In a world where threat and risk profiles are constantly changing, it has never been more important for businesses to understand the key aspects of emergency planning, and have a plan in place should the worst happen.
There appears to be an increasing number of attacks against “soft-targets” in the UK and Europe. These types of incidents can cause issues for a business in any sector or industry, potentially having a negative impact on brand reputation and a financial implication. It is important not to bury your head in the sand by adopting an “it will never happen to us” attitude, and instead ensure that emergency planning principles have been understood, considered and a suitable strategy put in place to mitigate risks.
Beyond these atrocities, businesses are at risk of other emergencies such as:
- natural disasters – earthquake, flood etc
- fire
- human error
- Does your organisation have a clear picture of potential issues that could negatively impact the business, mapped against an emergency plan, have your staff been trained, and have people and processes been tested to check that the plan will work?
The importance of preparing for, responding to and managing emergencies cannot be underestimated, and Restrata works with organisations around the globe across a range of sectors, to ensure that risks to risk to personnel and business assets have been considered, and a plan put in place ahead of an incident occuring.
Our Crisis and Continuity Management (CCM) subject matter experts establish the necessary emergency response and crisis management arrangements to allow organisations to respond effectively and responsibly to any incident. Working at the Operational (site), Tactical (supporting office) and Strategic (corporate) levels, we review risks, produce plans, organize resources, and provide training and exercises to ensure arrangements work in the face of adversity.
If you’d like to discuss the topic more, please feel free to contact us.