6 Tips for Improving Security in the Hotel Industry

The guests that enter a hotel property do so believing they are safe and secure. They believe the hotel, owning companies, and tourist companies have their security as a number one priority. Given the increase in hotel targeted active shooter attacks, hostile vehicle assaults and other types of incidents in certain regions of the world,…

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Observations of a Security Consultant

As the Senior Security Consultant at Restrata, I spend a large amount of my time travelling around the MENA region delivering security assessments for a variety of developments, including hotels, industrial facilities, airports and even railways. Over the last 6 months, I have developed a list of my top 5 security concerns, witnessed across different…

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The Price For Inattention To Driver Safety Is High

In 2016, a lorry driver was jailed for 10 years in the UK, for killing a woman and three children. His vehicle ploughed into their stationary car while he was scrolling through music on his mobile phone. The victims died instantly on impact; the vehicle hit them at 50mph and they were shunted under another…

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3 steps to delivering better Travel Risk Management

unifying people and travel management

Duty of Care is a key responsibility of any organisation, and the importance is growing, with governments around the globe implementing legislation to ensure staff are kept safe, and of course the increased risks of incidents. Terrorist attacks are occurring more often, and political instability is rife in many emerging markets that are a focus for…

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How does Physical Security impact Cyber Security?

In this day and age, it is not possible to talk about the security of your business without talking about cyber security. Every company depends on technology and the cyberspace to some degree so it is important to take cyber security into account. Security means making sure that hackers cannot remotely access your network or…

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Top 5 Employee Travel Risks

The Global Business Travel Association projected a 3.5 percent increase in 2017 on corporate travel spend, indicating that staff will continue to take on overseas assignments or travel abroad for short business trips, and with governments around the globe implementing legislation to ensure that workers outside of the office are protected, organisations require a cost…

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Five Reasons to become a Family Liaison Representative

If you choose to become a company family liaison representative, and unfortunately have to perform that role one day, reason number one: it will probably turn out to be the best thing you’ve ever done in your working life. Not because it’s good for your CV, or because others will witness it and think you are…

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3 Reasons Why Lone Worker Safety Should be a Priority For Your Business

Working alone, outside of the traditional office is commonplace, and an estimated 49 million staff around the globe fit into this category (Berg Insight Report 2013). Employers owe all staff a duty of care, and as such they need to consider the risks to lone worker’s safety in what often has the potential to become…

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